The Services.

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Products and Services provided:

    Products and Services provided:

    Client Service Specialist

  • A first commercial service provides experts and various figures such marketing advisers, accountants,representative agents , commercial technical experts, useful in developing commercial networks on the italian areas. This service is visible on www.stravendo.com. Our job is build commercial networks.
    Local Representative Agents.

    - Click here
    -Area Manager, LINK-
    Italia Val d'Aosta Piemonte Liguria Lombardia Trentino Veneto Friuli emilia Marche Umbria Toscana Abruzzo Lazio Molise Puglia Basilicata Campania Calabria Sicilia Sardegna

  • A second service is visible on www.tutto.mobi. and envolves the contact between suppliers and customers on the site. So we propose many bargains in some sectors . We seek in this case potential customers in Italy.
    So it's possible start European Projects with italian partner sponsored with European founds where are engaged.
  • A third service regard the searching of italian goods and industrial supplies usefull and exportable in other country.
    We a optimal knowledge about italian industrial territory permit us a quick and optimal research .
  • Point of reference for commercial representation in Italia.
    Standard services :
    Our plan consist in the proposal to you about a reference point for commercial representation in Italy,
    regarding many specific industrial addresses located in many position in the italian territory expecially in the northern of Italy where the our sellers are operative.
    Two further proposals complementary to the previous ones.
    The first concerns the search for representative agents specialised in such field, former commercial specialised employees at the office purchases of large companies and technical designers, who intend to make available to you their skills. Look about on www.venditori.ws. The second is a service publication calls for trade fairs, exhibitions, shows and conventions.

    More details:

    As a company of commercial agents operating on all Italy areas , we would like to work with the recruitment manager to streamline recruitment process in italy area and work to champion the employee candidate referral programme . As ombudsman of ADR Piemonte ( Camera di Commercio) we are specialized in settlements of disputes; In this field we could help you in the operation for the investors and about this items we could resolve inbound verbal , email and written enquiries from the italian customers . As a company of commercial consultants offer service area manager or commercial management . We offer potential contacts with many in Italy and we look for datas on request. Also we would like ensure your italian customers and explain what they can expect from you in a long term .

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GBt Group WEB SITEs:

The link buyer is the way for reaserch prices . The link for sellers is the way to look for customers and clients

 www.gbt.it  Services   info@gbt.it  for Buyers

 Usefull addresses

info@gbt.it   for buyers

 Building Constructions

info@prefabbricato.org   for buyers

 Warehouse constructions

 info@magazzino.biz  for buyers

Furniture and architecture 

 info@gbt.it  for buyers
 www.tiempolibre.it  Freetime supplies  info@tiempolibre.it  for buyers
 www.scatola.org  Packaging supplies  info@scatola.org  for buyers
 www.vinodoc.info  Horeca supplies  info@vinodoc.info  for buyers
 www.generalcom.net  Logistic supplies  info@generalcom.net  for buyers
 www.stravendo.com  Commercial and marketing services  info@stravendo.com  for sellers  
 www.tutto.mobi  Commercial and marketing service  info@gbt.it    for buyers
 www.fiera.ws  Fairs news  info@gbt.it  for sellers  for buyers

 Vendors and representative agents


 info@gbt.it  for sellers  for buyers

 Energy solutions


 info@gbt.it  for sellers  for buyers

 Teams sport world


 info@gbt.it  sport news  sport news

 home energy saving system


 info@gbt.it  for buyers

Ricerca rappresentanti,agenti,agenzia,venditori,sell in italy,in italien.

Erregi RG Via Crestani 4 Biella fax 39 015 8400022 email : info@gbt.it P.va 01595550029 REA:BI 149795
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